
How can I register for one of the apartments?

As expected, there is a lot of interest in The Hive. There are currently still a number of apartments available. Reserved properties may also become available again, for instance if someone’s financing proves unfeasible. To match your preferences with the offer, we ask you to create an account on this project website.

Once you have created an account, you can view the availability of the apartments in the apartment finder. There, you will also find detailed information per unit so you can find the apartment that suits you best. A maximum of 10 apartment numbers can be saved as your preferences, with number 1 being the apartment of your first preference.

Allocation of the apartments is done via an automated system so that as many people as possible are allocated the apartment of their first preference. Your financial feasibility will also be taken into account. It is therefore important that the fields in your account are filled in as completely as possible.

What are the next steps after I have been assigned a property?

Once you have been matched to an apartment, you will be invited for a sales meeting at the real estate broker’s office. During this meeting, The Hive and all particularities will be discussed in detail. Of course, the brokers will also answer all your questions about the project, your building number and the process of buying a newly built apartment. This way, you can make an informed decision about this important purchase.

It is also possible to schedule a financial consultation right away through the brokers. This will tell you exactly whether your dream home in The Hive is feasible for you and what the final monthly costs will be. When you decide to buy, the purchase agreement and the building contract will be digitally presented for signature.

The brokers will go through these legal documents with you in detail to make sure there are no ambiguities. You can also ask to include a funding reservation here.